Our mission is to teach and preach the good news of Jesus Christ – in so doing, to bring Christians into a fresh encounter with God, to equip and encourage the church to be authentic, and to empower believers to share God’s redemptive message.
We endeavor to engage Christians in becoming salt and light in our world. To do that requires that we cultivate our relationship with God. The cultural divide of today impacts more than church…it impacts morality, values, attitudes and politics. Too much is at stake to ignore, or worse… to fear, the need for engagement with our culture. The world awaits some fresh voice….that needs to come from the church.
We endeavor to come alongside Pastors and churches in the process of, as Paul said in Ephesians, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ…” Equipping is more than teaching… it is following the command of Jesus to “make disciples.”
Through both the spoken word and written word we endeavor to bring a message of hope, freedom, healing and life. Our ministry goal is to “encourage one another daily…” (Heb. 3:13) It is our conviction that we believers are meant to “soar on wings like eagles,” and to “run and not become weary – to walk and not faint.” (Isa. 40:31)
Our desire is to walk with other believers as they hear the call (“go make disciples”), accept the challenge (“here am I, send me”) and by faith, walk confidently (“do not be afraid, do not be discouraged”) in sharing God’s redemptive message. Jesus stated that we are to the both salt and light to and in the world.